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Gone Nuts

Gone Nuts!

Created for the Ukie Student Games Jam 2018 on the theme "change". We did this in a team of five over a thirty hour period.

Play as a squirrel gathering your nuts for the coming winter. Avoid the perils of the changing seasons, and make sure to get your nuts back to base!

Features I Created


A system is included that uses scriptable objects to easily combine decisions, tasks and actions to assist in creating new AI that can do anything you want.

Used in this game to make enemy squirrels that patrol their own "home" tree and chase the player away if seen.

Unfortunately, whilst originally losing line of sight of the player did stop the AI from chasing them, something was altered before submission that makes the AI squirrels VERY persistent.

Season Manager

A season manager class with events that can be subscribed to that changes seasons after the set number of seconds. Allows other class/models etc to change as the seasons do.

Change On Season Class

Objects easily change appearance by hooking themselves to the season manager class's season change events. Meshes just get assigned publicly and so can be easily utilised by anyone.

A similar class changes materials instead of meshes.

season changing.gif
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