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Cuddle Colosseum

Play as the loveable rogue Sku and chop down as many cute creatures as you can!

Brawl with wave after wave of enemies, finding and buying various items to help you along the way!

Cuddle Colosseum was created as part of a group project. Although I was a junior member of the team, I worked very closely with the technical team leader, and contributed heavily to most of the features found in the game.

Features I Created

Interface Integration with Player Controller

To make adding a second player or multiple characters easier, I converted the functions from the player actor in to interface functions, and created a player controller that uses these interfaces properly, as opposed to all the input management being done in the player directly.

Dynamic Decals

The nature of decals means that a custom material must be created for each new decal. However, to streamline this process I created a dynamic decal actor.

This allows the designers to simply apply an image of their choosing in the editor and have it displayed as a normal decal. A series of images can also be animated


Melee Combat Combinations

Since having a single attack was simply boring, I created a combination attack system. This uses animation notifies to set the point when pressing attack will allow the next step in the combination to be used.

Attack combo.gif

Shop UI

The shop opens up at the end of each round and allows the player to buy various items that can be used whilst fighting. The controller is used to navigate through the various items, with a description shown for each one.

navigating shop.gif

Wave Manager

Allows designers to easily enter into a table which enemies they want on each wave and how many to spawn. Then spawns the enemies from the data table.

Fading Objects

A custom component that can be added to any object with a mesh renderer, causing it to become transparent when between the camera and the player.

Fading stuff.gif

Crossbow with UI

A crossbow that can either be found inside breakable pots or used from the inventory. Constantly fires bolts until the timer is up, shown in its own meter.


Bits and Bobs

There is a variety of smaller things I created during the course of the project:

  • Buff volumes - Used in the tutorial to give the player various items and stats

  • Enemy arrow warning - Rather than having ranged enemies shoot the player directly, I changed the ranged enemy behaviours and created a class that makes a target appear at the point an arrow is about to land which slowly gets smaller.

  • Linked target dummies - To ensure the player knows how to use the secondary attack properly, I created a special actor that requires hitting all three dummies at once to progress.

  • Secondary attack - An attack that causes more damage and knockback the longer it is held.

  • Dynamically changeable dust colour from walking

  • Powerups

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